Dear Brantley...

Dear Brantley,

I was driving home today and starting thinking about your daddy and I. I started thinking about the last six years and all the good and bad times we've had. We've had some good times - camping trips, froggy bottoms, late night talks and cuddles, and countless laughs - but we've also had some bad - fights and arguments made those ranks. However, all of it lead us to where we are now, and so I am thankful for every minute I have spent with your daddy. I used to pray for your dad - and then God sent him to me.

Almost two years ago I stood in front of God, family and friends and promised to love your dad until I pass from this earth. I have never once regretted those words. Your dad still makes my heart swell with love when I look at him. His hugs have an innate way of making all the wrongs in my world ok. I love him more now then I ever imagined possible. Each night I go to bed I thank the lord for giving me your father, and I thank him for giving me you as well. You are truly the best thing I have ever done in my life. You are a piece of me and a piece of your dad.

When I think about you I start to wonder about how you'll look and who you'll be like. Will you have your dads smile that makes my heart melt? Will your eyes shine like his when you're up to something? Will you be calm and easy going like him, or a nervous nelly like me? Will you love people or numbers? Will you lead with your heart like me or with your head like your dad? I can't wait to see you grow up (but not TOO fast) and to watch you become the good man I know you'll be. I can't wait to be apart of your life stories, and to one day be able to hear your own love story.

All of this was to say you are a result of two very different people who met, and fell in love. You are a result of some very strong, true, honest love. I wanted you to know that and to know that you will be one very loved, wanted and cared after child.

I can't wait to meet you,
