6 weeks

I can't beleive I missed posting about little B's one month stats. I actually wrote the post twice and both times had comptuer problems that erased it. The last 6 weeks with this guy have been amazing. I love being a mom. It's the most important, fun, tough, rewarding job I have ever had. I definitely have had to learn patience and perserverence in the last month. Brantley is a great baby most of the time. He does have his periods of fussiness, which is normal, but we're getting better at determining why he's having them. He's growing so fast. I can't beleive how much he's changing. At 4 weeks he was 21.5 inches long and 8lbs 13.5 ounces. He has a large head at 15 cm. some of the changes I've seen in the last few weeks include:

1) rolling over! He does this almost daily now from his tummy to his back. Im not sure if it's intentional or a result of his head being so large that when he brings it to one side it makes him topple over, but I'm taking it.

2) He's smiling all the time now. He went from HATING diaper changes to smiling at me religously on the changing table. He is also trying to find his voice. He's making noises now besides just crying - which is amazing.

3) He is following things with his eyes, and definitely looks at me. If he hears my voice he's actively trying to find where it is coming from.

4) He's found his hands. Cutest thing is when he sees it out of the corner of his eye, then brings it into his vision and looks at it like "what is this".

5) He's holding his head up amazingly well. He can do a mini pushup and hold it. My strong little boy.

I know there's more but these are the things I can think of. There have been so many favorite memories from this past 6 weeks. There are several I don't want to ever forget.

The first time I saw him is of course one of these, and better yet the first time I saw him after he was taken from me. He had to go to the special care nursery so I saw him briefly after his birth but didn't get to hold him until the next morning. The first time I held him was amazing. Something I don't ever want to forget.

I don't want to forget the night I asked daddy to put him to bed. I woke up at 1am and Brantley and P both weren't in the bedroom. I went out to the living room and daddy had Brantley on his chest and they were both sound asleep - with the exact same look on their face. Moments like that make all the crying, fussiness and diaper changes worth it.

I don't want to forget the 3am nursing sessions. It's so peaceful then, and even if he's had a fussy day he is so quiet in the middle of the night feedings. He'll look at me and smile, nurse and go right back to sleep. It's just the two of us and I love it. After he nurses he does this thing where he arches his back, stretches his arms above his head and wrinkles his forehead. It's almost like he's just ate a HUGE meal and needs to stretch. I love it. He's so cute when he does this I want to just kiss him. Which I do.

I don't want to forget his cheeks! Sounds so silly but they are so adorably chubby. I love them.

We are so blessed to have this little guy in our lives. I am excited (and a bit sad - one day he won't let me cuddle him anymore) to see him continue to grow.