One Year Old!

Dear Brantley,

Today is your birthday. A year ago today you were born. I cant believe a year has passed. I remember the first time I held you and the overwhelming love that I felt. And just this morning when you sat in my lap,and looked up at me with those big brown eyes and smiled, I felt it again.Overwhelming love.

You are the best thing I have accomplished in my life to date. To see you grow each day, watch you learn, laugh, play and smile brings so much joy to my life. The past year was not easy by any means. There were days it was a struggle just to get through, but then came the moments of pure joy. A snuggle in the morning, a smile, laughing during play time, hugs. And all those moments made the dirty diapers, fussing, crying, lack of sleep, etc. so worth it. I suspect one day, when you are a daddy, you’ll understand exactly how this feels.

You’re growing so much. You love to run and explore. You love to laugh and play. You don’t like to be held anymore, except first thing in the morning when we have our snuggle time in the recliner. You love blueberries and will eat a whole carton if someone lets you. You definitely smashed your smash cake. You’re learning lots of words, and trying so very hard to say them. So far you are trying to say duck, flower, dada, tiger, water, and bird. Of course they don’t actually sound like the words yet (example: bird sounds like baaar, but I know it’s what you are trying to say).

You are a good sleeper still. With me you take two naps aday and sleep 10 – 12 hours a night. But if you don’t get the naps you aren't really fussy – just on go because you know if you stop you’ll pass out. You LOVE people. You aren’t shy at all and will smile at everyone, everywhere. We've made lots of friends in restaurants and grocery stores.

You got a sandbox for your birthday which is perfect for you. You love to dig and play and explore in it. You also like the new wagon and going for rides. Overall you love being on the go all the time. You are not one to sit still. All my pictures of you lately I’ve had to take while you were on the run.

This past year has been amazing buddy. You’ve grown from a baby into an active, happy, sweet  and smart little boy. I can’t wait to see what the years to come bring. I just hope you stay this happy and sweet. =)

I love you so much Buggy.
