Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

This blog is probably going to sound winy.

I've been so sick. I can't keep anything down and am throwing up 4-5 times a day. It's a pretty miserable feeling, but I know it's because Little Bit is doing what he is supposed to do. That doesn't mean it isn't hard and wearing to be constantly throwing up. Not to mention how weak and unenergetic I feel. I am so sick of being sick and tired. I knew it would be like this, but I don't think I could have imagined it.

I am 7 weeks on Monday, and on the 23rd we get to go hear the heartbeat for the first time. I am so excited about that, and I am hoping it is healthy and is good shape. Hopefully they'll also give me some meds to help take the edge of the nausea. I know Phenegran will work, but it knocks me out, so I am going to try the Zofran. Maybe do phenegran on the weekends. We shall see.

I can't beleive that in 7 1/2 months I will be a mother. I am so excited for it.

Good News


This is such an amazing thing to be able to announce. We found out we were pregnant on February 19th. I had actually had a really bad week and wanted a glass of wine, but knew we'd been trying. I wasn't due for my period until Monday, but decided to go ahead and take the test. Honestly, I didn't think I was pregnant. I took the test - and FORGOT about it. When I went back to the bathroom about an hour later I saw the test - and it was positive (for the record - I did NOT have the glass of wine). I flipped out. We hadn't been trying but a month really and I got pregnant right off the bat. Preston and I am both so excited. I can't wait to be a mom, and he will be an awesome dad.

Since then I've realized EVERYONE is pregnant, but I'm the newbie. This is awesome for me cause I'm getting all kinds of advice from the other girls I know. It'll be great to be able to share that with my pregnant lady friends.

This pregnancy was going fairly well until Thursday of last week. It's like I hit the 6 week mark and BAM here comes morning sickness full force. So now I'm having a difficult time. I can't keep much of anything down and I am CONSTANTLY nauseated. I knew this was going to be the case though - my body DOES NOT handle hormones well at all. However, at least I know everything much still be working.

We couldn't wait to tell people so that whole world now knows I am preggers. It's my hope that all goes well with Little Bit. I am so ready to be his mom. I can't begin to share the excitement with you all.

I will update often!