10 months

Dear Brantley,

10 months have now passed since you were born. I can't beleive it's been almost a year! You've now been in the world longer then you were growing in my tummy. It's crazy how much you have changed. At 10 months you are such a social kid (notice I said kid and not baby). You love people. You especially love the ladies and are such a little flirt. Most everyone will get a smile from you, and if they are lucky a wave or a clap. There is no doubt in my mind you will be a social kid and I'm happy for that.

This month you've learned lots of things! You are now walking proficiently. You still fall on your butt a lot but you can (and do) get almost everywhere you want to go walking. You are trying to start to run. You start walking really really fast and keep going. Whenever you get excited about something this is what you do.  Whenever your daddy gets home you go running to the door. Man do you love your daddy. When your daddy is around I am just not good enough anymore.

You've also learned how to clap, which you do all the time, and blow raspberries which you also do all the time (especially when I'm feeding you!). You think it's so funny! You are also getting more independent. If you can do something and I do it for you sometimes you will get mad. You don't like being fed anymore - you much prefer finger foods. However there is one food you will always let me feed you - YOGURT! I swear you could eat your weight in yogurt. Speaking of weight - you are now 19lbs. Still on the smaller side, but that's ok.

You only have the two teeth still, but I don't think it's long until more because you have been fussy lately. You're also starting to be a little bit more clingy - especially in the mornings. You want me to hold you for a right good while before you start playing and some days you want to be held longer. Thats ok though - you used to never want to be held, so I cherish those minutes you'll cuddle up next to me in your chair.

You are starting to talk more (just babble) and are starting to recognize words. I know that you know your name, no and up and I think you know duck (or duckduck) and stick. Still waiting for the first mamma or dada though.

Funny story - I was giving you a bath the other night and jokingly asked, "Who do you like better mama or dada?" You looked right and me and said "dada" and then of course followed it was "dadadadada". I think your dad is brainwashing you ::wink::.

We're back to going to the gym on the days mommy doesn't work and you love going because it means you get to play with grandpa and Bear. Grandpa always takes you for a ride and you get to pet Bear. You love all your grandparents so much. You've started crying when you have to leave their houses! They hand you to me and you cry. It hurt my feelings the first time - then I realized it's just because you have so much fun at their houses and love them so I can't get but so mad.

Brantley, you are one loved child. There are so many people in your life and show you that. We are so lucky to have you!

This months favorites: yogurt, talking!, daddy, grandma, GP, Nana, Papa, Grandpa and Granny, dogs!, outside, dirt, sticks, rocks, goldfish, cheerios, purple hull peas, cheese, turkey, cherries, GRAHAM CRACKER (from GP), walking, running, CLIMBING!, and anything else you can get yourself into.

Love always,
