Almost in the home stretch...

So.. tomorrow I'll be 26 weeks. Hard to beleive how quickly this is passing, although I have a feeling the last trimester will drag out. I'm so excited for Brantley to get here and be a part of our lives, but we have SO MUCH to do before he makes his entrance into the world.

Our home is about to be complete and utter chaos for the next month or so. We are putting hardwood floors in the back half of the house, including the nursery and the bedrooms. Therefore we have to move ourselves into two rooms of the house. It's going to be cramped and difficult, but the end product will be awesome, and Brantley will have a brand new room. I've also been working on removing the wallpaper from his room so he won't have girlie flowered wallpaper. This is a TASK. It has made me realize I will NEVER put wallpaper in my home. So - if you see me and I appear irrititable in the next month, realize it's a combination of living in my living room and kitchen and pregnancy hormones. =)

We went to the beach for July 4th - which was great fun. I got to spend a lot of time with Jack, who is now almost 10 months - he is getting SO BIG. It's cool to watch him grow and I know him and Brant will be awesome cousins.

On my pregnancy stats and update... I'm going good right now. I pretty much feel like I did Pre-Pregnancy. So far I've only gained about 5 lbs, but the doctors aren't concenred. He's moving pretty regular right now - especially at night when I'm trying to SLEEP. The nauseau is all but gone, and the heartburn is minor right now so I am doing fairly well. I'm sure as I get bigger things will be more difficult, but the last month or so has been relatively easy compared to the first 4 or so.

My biggest thing now is trying to find daycare. I've been procrastinating on that, and it's something I really need to start working on. August is going to go so quickly I think. We have the house to work on, plus two baby showers. One on the 13th for moms side of the family and a family/friends shower with my step mom on the 27th. I also have various friends showers to attend so the next few weekends are going to be CRAZY.

Well... I'm headed to go figure out where the world we are going to place furniture while we rip up carpet. Hope everyone is happy and well!