Changes are a happening..

So in terms of pregnancy symptoms, not much has changed. I've kinda hit a stride and just been rolling along. However, in terms of baby and movement/growth etc a lot has changed.

While I still have only gained about 2 lbs I am LOOKING pregnant finally, which is nice. And I feel baby Royster kick ALL THE TIME. This is one active little guy. He's all over the place. I've even felt him from the outside, but Preston still hasn't. Everytime he puts his hand there he'll stop moving. How frusterating.

The coolest thing happened last night - but of course P was at work and wasn't here to witness it. I was laying in the recliner and he started to kick. All of a sudden I look down - and my stomach is jumping. Like really moving. And he kicked again and my stomach jumped. So I can now SEE him kick when he's really active, which is both the coolest and weirdest thing ever.

Oh and we *think* we have a name. Brantley James Royster. Unique and different and apparently something we can agree on. I still can't get Preston 100% away from Waylon, but I'm about 95% sure this is my babies name.

Preston and I are off the the beach tomrorow... should be a fun fun week. Looking so forward to it.