Long Time No Post

Well.. I haven't kept this up really the way I oringinally intended. To be honest, at first it was becuase I was so sick I didn't want to feel winey about pregnancy.. I mean this is supposed to be the most exciting time of our lives. The truth is that this really hasn't been all that much fun up until now. For the first 12 weeks or so I was VERY sick. I was throwing up 6-7 times a day and not keeping much down. As a result I was tired, cranky and overall very ill with the pregnancy. Around week 13 things started getting better and by the time I hit the second trimester the nauseu has significantly decreased. Now, it's periodic and mostly not so intense I can't handle it like it was before.

I remember one night where I couldn't keep anything down and I felt so bad for Preston. He wanted to do something so bad and all I could do was cry I was so miserable. He however, couldnt do much about it. I imagine it sucks to feel that helpless.

Since then some exciting things have happened. I am now showing! I'll be 20 weeks on Monday which means I am *almost* halfway there. I did have some complications around week 17. I was having a lot of pelvic pain/pressure that I felt was abnormal and very uncomfortable. Turned out to be an infection. However, because of the pain I had an early ultrasound and we found out we are having a baby boy! Preston was super happy about that.

Then on May 31st we went to meet with the genetics counsleor because of out family histories and had the indepth ultrasound. According them everything looks good - he's just a little big. They said not to worry about that though because he may just have hit a growth spurt early. I have my next checkup this week.

We've now registered too, which was very overwhelming, but exciting at the same time. I'm also feeling him move now, and on a GOOD day you can feel him from the outside. I haven't been able to get Preston to feel it yet, but I am sure I will soon.

Overall I am feeling better although there are certainly still effects of pregnancy I'm not used to (the gas, the sleeplessness, weird food aversions and combinations... mashed potatoes with ketchup come to mind). I'm getting more and more ready to see little man.

So pictures below to enjoy!