36 weeks!

I will be 36 weeks tomorrow. It's so hard to beleive that it's almost coming to an end - and then he'll acutally be here. And I can hold him and love on him. I am so excited and ready to meet my son.

At my 34 week visit I had a growth scan due to my low weight gain. He's right on track to weigh over 8lbs at birth. He was 5lbs 4ozs at that appointment, so he's a good growing little boy. It was so reassuring to see that everything was ok. Anyone that knows me knows I worry ALL THE TIME about everything, so I was extrememly glad that I was able to find out he was ok.

The nursery is DONE with the exception of hanging some photos and such on the wall. I am so glad to have this project finally finished. I feel like we're actually READY for him now, as opposed to stressed it wouldn't be done in time.

I've been having a hard time personally with other things lately, so it's nice that he is a bright spot when other times things don't look so bright.

4 more weeks (give or take!) and I'll be a mommy. Wow.