2 1/2 weeks

I can't beleive my little man is almost 3 weeks old. It feels like it's going by so quickly - and he's changing so much - but at the same time it's hard to remember what life was like without him.

Our first night home was a diaster. No one really prepares you for that first night. In the hospital my baby was perfect. He slept for 3 hours and then they woke him up for me to feed him. I hardly heard him cry and right after (sometimes in the middle) feeding him he'd drift back to sleep and I'd hand him to the nurses and go back to sleep myself. What no one told me was the my child was putting on a show for mommy! When we got home we tried to put him in the pack and play - and he cried and cried. I changed him. I fed him. We tried the crib.... and he still cried. The only way he wouldn't cry is if daddy or I were holding him. And so we took turns, but neither one of us got sleep. The next morning I was a crying mess in the kitchen, a crying mess in the car on the way to the doctor, a crying mess calling our childbirth class coach about breastfeeding (I wasn't sure he was latching right) and in general just a crying mess. Daddy was also at his wits end. No one prepares you for this was all I could think.

Fast forward two weeks. Now that we've been home for awhile we've learned several things about baby. First and foremost is that he sleeps best in the swing or bouncy seat (THANK GOD we figured that out!) and has to be swaddled to really get a good sleep. We've learned when he's hungry, wet, or tired. This has made mommies life so. much. easier. Really we have a great baby - even when he projectile (yes projectile!) poops all on the changing table and while mommy is trying to handle that (along with the poop that got on her because the projectile poop started while I was putting diaper cream on) then we start peeing. At some point you just have to laugh. Poop and pee definitely don't bother me much anymore.

Despite the hard bits my life in infinitely better with him in it. He makes me smile, laugh and cry about 15 times a day. When I look at him I know what love is. He and his daddy are my heart. And now - for a few pictures.