And we have a roller..

So Brant has been rolling from his belly to his back since he was about a month and a half. I was surprised he was able to do it that early, but I think part of this is that he has a HUGE head and once he figured out he could use it to propel himself to his belly it was all over. However this week he rolled from his back to his belly.... and is continuing to do this.

I am so glad I got to see it! I was so afraid something like this would happen while I was at work, but nope, happened on Sunday night. Preston looked over at me and told me to look at B. He was on his side and working SO HARD to get to his belly. Took a second to figure out how to not have his arm pinned under his, but after that it was over.

I have a highly motivated child. He is NEVER still. I mean NEVER. He's always kicking, moving his arms, grabbing his feet, rolling to his side, etc. I sincerely think he'll crawl and walk early, just because he's so motivated to be on the move.

I love watching him change.