6 Months

Dear Brantley,

You turned 6 months this past Sunday! I still can't believe how quickly the last six months have gone by. I remember being in the hospital and very anxiously waiting for your debut. And then spending the next three days visiting you in the Special Care Nursery - and finally bringing you home. My little baby is turning into such a little boy and way to quickly!

At six months you love to laugh. You smile all the time and laugh at lot of different things. You love to laugh a moms silly faces and dancing, and sometimes you just break out in laughter on your own. You are such a happy baby! You rarely cry now unless you are hungry or tired, a much appreciated change from your first three months where you would have very random fits of crying.

You are making LOTS of noises now. Mostly screeching, squealing and grunting. You love to tense up and "grrrr" when you get really excited about something - Grandpa calls it your "Hulk" move.

You are SO curious about the world and you have to know what is going on around you - just like your mom. You loves lights, noises and TREES! You can watch leaves fall for a long time and be happy. You also love to listen to people talk to you and love to bat a books when you're read too. You love faces and grabbing them - it's like you want to memorize them.

Anything you can get your hands on immediately goes into your mouth at this point - including shoes! We were on on the way to your 6 month appointment when you managed to unvelcro your shoe, take it off, and promptly try to eat it.

You love food - especially fruits. You open wide and eat all the fruit up. And you like orange vegetables, sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash, but the green - not so much. You HATE peas.

You are now commando crawling and constantly moving trying to get somewhere. You definitely aren't in one place, and I don't anticipate you'll be crawling too long before walking. You are so BUSY that you want to explore everything.

The only think I know you hate is sleep. You fight it so very hard. Once you're asleep you're staying alseep for the most part though - finally - so I am thankful for that.

Mostly though - I am thankful for you, and that I am able to be home with you 90% of the time. You make me smile and fill my heart with such love and gladness everyday. I want nothing more then protect you, and see you happy. I love you more then I imagined. You are the best parts of me and your dad all rolled into one cute little ball.

So Happy 1/2 year Birthday Brantley! Your mommy and daddy love you so much.


Laura said...

I love your blog, Lorie! :) Happy 6 months to Mr. Brantley! I can't believe how fast it's gone by. It's so cool to see what he's up to and how he's growing and learning! He and Evan are on the same page about PEAS....not a big hit for us either! :) haha Can't wait to see y'all Friday!!