9 Months

Dear Brantley,

You turned 9 months last weekend. You are getting to be such a big boy now. When I look at you I don't see a baby anymore. This last month you've been busy! You've gone from tentatively crawling to speed crawling and speed cruising. You'd much rather cruise then crawl now a days. You've even taken a few small steps, but you're still a little scared to start really walking. You're also experimenting with standing up on your own without pulling up on anything.

You are into EVERYTHING! And you're smart about it. You love your puffs so much that you managed to figure out how to get a hold of them and get the top off, which followed with you dumping them on the floor and eating them. Again, you are gonna try your hardest to get what you want.

You're still such a happy boy. You small, laugh and giggle all the time. You are rarely fussy. You're eating a lot of foods now and mommy's started you on some soft table food. You haven't quite got the hang of it yet, but you're getting there.

You always talking and you can make quite a few sounds now... da, ma, ah are the most common ones we hear. Along with you grunting and coughing that you've managed to pick yo.

You also love to imitate us. So you're now waving and shaking your head no (I guess you picked that up from me!). We're trying to teach you to clap and I'm still trying to get you to kiss me without biting my face (although I love my gummy kisses.)

This months favorites: Cruising, kisses, tickles, swings, daddy, pears!, yogurt, seasme street (only show you acutally watch), playing in the dirt, grandparents, swimming, THE BEACH, and play date with a cute girl.

Love you,



Unknown said...

I love that the posts are notes to Brantley. :) Can't believe it's already been 9 months and he is doing so much now! Evan LOVED her play date and we are looking forward to the next time!!

Grandma Huffman said...

I love that you
included "Grandparents" in Brantley's favorite things this month. He certainly is one of our favorite highlights! I love my Wednesdays...and you think I am doing YOU a favor... :-D ... ! I look forward to reading more of these notes to Brantley... such a cool way to "put it all on paper"...