
Dear Brantley,

This past week you had your first really sickies. You got a terrible cold, which turned into an ear infection. You were congested from head to toe and just felt awful. It was terrible. I have to tell you - I hate seeing you sick, or struggling. I hurt for you, and all I want is for you to feel better. It's an overwhelming need to comfort you and do all I can to help you feel better. And this was just with a cold! I can't imagine how hard your first heartbreak, failure, disappointment, and loss will be. I'll always worry about you, and I'll always want to do what I can to set your world straight again. I imagine it's the same if you're 2 or 20. So when you've 15 and having a hard time and I hover? Just know it's cause I love you, and I want you to be ok. Don't hate me for it, or if you do, I hope you one day realize why I did it.

You are one loved child. Not just by me and your dad but by so many other people. Please know your dad loves you so much. He may not say it often, because that's not him, but I can watch him with you and know. And I can see how he is with you and know. And when I tell him you miss him and ask about him, he smiles. Your dad is not the overly emotional or sensitive type, but I can tell you flat out he loves you something fierce. I hope that you can see that through his actions.

And your grandparents! All of them! They all play such an important roll. Your "Papa Rick" who teaches you about hard work, kung fu, eggs, pancakes, and farming, and who lets you get away with so much because that man LOVES you something fierce. "Bebe" or "Nanny" who worries about you all the time, who throws so much compassion and love into watching you it's amazing. She also loves to teach you songs. Her patience is that of a saint. Your "grandma" who spends so much of her time with you teaching you. I think she's the reason you know as much as you do about so much. And she's teaching you swimming. You have so much fun there on Wed and Thurs and I have to tell you that you make her week. She loves you so much and always looks forward to having you around. And "GP" who teaches you about bolts, nails, cooking "meat", and riding your "trike". You bring out a side in him I don't often see, and it's so nice to see the love. And "Papa Milton" who is a great example of a tenderhearted, playful, loving man and who shows you that whenever he sees you. He loves playing with you and being around you. And "Nana" who isn't afraid to be silly with you, and help you out whenever you need it. You are so lucky to have these examples in your life! They show you what love is and each one of them is so special. You are one lucky kid!

And me, I hope you know how much I adore you. I always will. Even when you hate me (and at some point in your life you will). You can be such a pill, and then do something silly (like sing "Marly Unshine" or "shake your booty") and all that whiny, crying behavior just disappears. You amaze me everyday and I am so PROUD to be your mom.

