Dear Brantley,

You're two now. I can't believe it. It just seems like yesterday that I was laying in the hospital bed waiting for you to be born. I'll probably same that same thing every year. Truth is that you're growing up too fast. Sometimes I wish that I could stop time for just a little bit and keep you still a kid. The kid who still wants mommy to play with him, cuddle and watch Mickey, ride trains and all the other things you love to do. But I can't stop time. I was at Subway the other day and there was a dad and his teenage son and it struck me that one day, sooner then I'd probably like, that would be you and me. And while I'm so excited to see you grow up, I'm also sad that it goes so quickly.

You've changed a lot this year. To say you are a talker would be a vast understatement. You talk ALL THE TIME. And in full sentences. It's quite scary how good you are with language (I mean how many two year old say quinoa - and pronounce it correctly - I can't even do that half the time). I suppose you get that from me, because we all know your dad is NOT a talker. You're also very social. You love people, especially other kids and are constantly trying to engage anyone you can. I would not be surprised if one day you are the class clown. You're such a special, goofy kid.

We took you to the zoo last month and you had so much fun. You loved the seals and the otters. You also though the "bamboons" were super cool. You did really well too, the only time you got fussy was when you were tired. It was a great family trip and something I hope we get the chance to repeat. I think your dad had a lot of fun taking you. This was right up his ally.

You also got really sick last week. Not just a cold sickies but the croup. It scared me. You sounded like you couldn't breathe. We almost made a trip to the ER, but thankfully your doctor was there on Saturday and saw you. You're better now, but I think that was one of the scariest mommy moments (next to locking you in the house by yourself. Ask me about THAT one day).

It's fun to watch your personality growing. You are very independent and want to do things on your own now. You're also a very picky eater. You hate meat, but love carbs. Thankfully you will eat some vegetables. You love broccoli, sweet potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, and sometimes squash.

I love you kiddo, and I hope you'll always know that,
